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Programme is geared to assist Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning from the basics to advanced concepts, including Inferential Statistics, A/B Testing, Regression, Clustering, Decision Trees, Random Forests and more. In association with the Work on live projects to understand how to implement the learning.


Credible Authorised Certification on Program Completion


On-Boarded Top Educator From Indian Institute of Technology


Assured Recruitments Opportunities with the Leading Companies

Programme is geared to assist Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning from the basics to advanced concepts, including Inferential Statistics, A/B Testing, Regression, Clustering, Decision Trees, Random Forests and more. In association with the Work on live projects to understand how to implement the learnings from the program.  Artificial Intelligence is a new generation futuristic desire of the top industries and organisations and we curated the entire program with the same scope to develop the student holistically.


Curriculums :


  • Introduction To Basics - Understanding Data Science, Data Visualisation In Python, Data Analysis Using SQL, Data Analysis In Excel, and Analytics Problem Solving.

  • Understanding Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Introduction to Git and Github, Inferential Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Lending Club Case Study to Determine Customer Characteristics.

  • Machine Learning - Inferential Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Unsupervised Learning Clustering, Decision Trees, Model Selection, Time Series Forecasting (Basic Components of Time Series Forecasting, Simple Average and Naive Forecast Methods and Smoothing Techniques).

  • Deep Learning - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and Open Source Computer Vision. Build a neural network from scratch in Tensorflow to identify the type of skin cancer from image.

  • Natural Language Processing - Understanding Lexical Processing and Syntactical Processing. Use the techniques such as POS tagging and Dependency parsing to extract information from unstructured text data.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Understand Data Storage solutions, Analysis, modelling and visualization techniques through AWS Glacier, Glue, Athena, Redshift and more to be capable of giving AWS certification examination.

  • Research Methodology - Understanding Research Methodology, Types of Research ex. Descriptive, Analytical, Applied, Fundamental etc. Learning Research Procedures, Management, Presentations and Decision Making.

  • Capstone Project - capstone project that can give you an understanding of real assignments, its complexities and develops performance with the optimum management and decision making.

Program Educators and Instructors


Our Team have on-boarded Educators From the Top Prestigious Educational Institution To Add Values to Students.​

Programme Highlights :


  • Gain a Structural understanding of Artificial Intelligence with Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

  • Boost knowledge of the most popular AI Methods, tools and technologies.

  • Learn to Use Artificial Intelligence to solve Complexities of Business.

  • Concepts on industry project and work on Capstone project along with Prestigious Organisation.

  • Job Opportunities with the Top Industries.

Hand-On Experience On Top Industries Tools and Techniques


Our Team of Educators, Researchers and Industrial Leader have identified best tools and techniques for every

students to specialised in them with the programme.

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